
“A smile is the best makeup anyone can wear” – Marilyn Monroe

I believe this is true; although I do have a slight confession to make…

“Hello, my name is Kay and I am a makeup-aholic”

Yes, I can admit, despite being 20-something (or a bit older), I continue to grow old ungracefully…with a face full of makeup!

I’m not going to proclaim I am any sort of professional, I don’t create makeup masterpieces as my day job (despite wishing I did), but I do have a love for all things makeup-esque. This blog is rather, a helpful hand, to all those out there who also want to learn (along with me) a little more about the world of makeup and beauty.

In my quest to find the perfect face, I was surprised to find so many great beauty blogs over the pond in the US and felt that a British (novice) perspective was somewhat lacking. So voila!! If that’s what you are looking for, this blog maybe just for you!

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18 thoughts on “About

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    Liked by 1 person

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    Liked by 1 person

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